Motivating employees might not be rocket science, but there are ways to spruce up the conventional methods. While employees love paid lunches, a fun break room, and work from home days, there are ways to get more creative with the process by utilizing technology. Use...
Soon, technology that we once thought was incredibly futuristic will take hold of our everyday lives and help us in every way possible. Transportation has been a key aspect of life that tech giants and innovators have focused on for years. Making the way we get around...
Augmented reality technology has been around for some time now, and has found application in diverse aspects of human lives. Augmented reality tools have been introduced as solutions to various areas of life including medical, manufacturing, retail, and service...
With hackers and unscrupulous individuals still present on the web, cybersecurity will continue to be an area that must evolve so that the private data of individuals and businesses stays securely in their hands. By 2020, the valueof the cyber security market is...
In the past two years talks about machine learning and artificial intelligence have skyrocketed. Companies are striving to get their feet wet into the explosion of interest with AI. Advocates for the new technologies claim that machine learning will alter the way we...